Friday 12 December 2014

Merry Xmas Video Card...with love and fun

Wishing you all a very merry yuletide season.....

Please click link for our fun video xmas card.

Sending love to all our friends and families, acquaintances, here & abroad
and even those who (attempt to) cause us stress, or try to.

plse click here
Graham & Cherri's video Xmas card

Thursday 25 September 2014

Venice - City of Love

It was.

We Loved it

Making the movie "Deaf in Venice'.......GP is doing the music and if I get to sing in it you'd want to be...deaf in Venice. lol

This is remarkable. A young fellow playing a home-made steel drum with hands, no sticks.

Plse click here : Steel drum played with hands only

Head thru a Henry Moore at the Peggy Guggenheim gallery......wonderful place

Ceiling detail at the Dell'Accademia Gallery

And then there were the crazies.......on the beach where the film Death in Venice was made we were affronted by this what seemed like a lunatic on a suicide mission. 

Yellow Devil Stunt flyer-

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Starletta at last!

Where have I been?
Putting the finishing touches to my mad rap choon

Starletta Rap........
                      PLEASE CLICK THIS LINK

Starletta (c)Rap

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it.

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Monday 28 July 2014

Thursday 24 July 2014

#Starletta Rap on its way......Trailer

Recorded at White Rose Studio

Filmed at Cannonia Heights

Below is a snippet from the out-takes

The AMP and me. 
We have been working trojanically to create this mistresspiece

Starletta Rap - clip

Thursday 26 June 2014

Have fun.......

We do....

We three...........Cherri Gilham & Cheryl G DeMille
with the GP, the AMP (Absent-Minded Professor)

ooooh what now?

Aliens in the kitchen

Kids.........This is how old people behave in the privacy of their own funchambers

And for those that are in the slightest bit's how we make our fun.......(well some of it ;) ... lol) 
Click here my darlings for a spot of pointless

Tuesday 24 June 2014

So much terrific stuff going on

But no time to chronicle it..............

Everything is coming up large fabulous rosies.........

Focus on the GOOD......then good things happen........

And forgive everybody............Tis the secret

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Monday 9 June 2014

Baby Robin sent to cheer me

Whilst we were clearing and thinning out one of our big ponds today, of duckweed and marsh marigolds,  a sweet little baby robin came to visit. I thought firstly that it was a baby bunting......and thought, yes, cry baby bunting. But when I checked online could see that it's a baby robin...

Sunday 8 June 2014

Great night last night, June 7th

Elkie Brooks at the Cadogan Halls, 7th June 2014.....What a fantastic voice.
Here's a taster of her

Plse click here:
Elkie Brooks at the Cadogan Halls 7th June 2014

Saturday 7 June 2014

8 months tomorrow 9th June 2014

He's the best thing that's happened to me since the birth of my son!

Eight months tomorrow since we got it together........and we get happier and happier..............

It's so wonderful to fall in love in the October of our lives.....and it's not just me having all the luck. My girlfriend in Oz phoned me this week and said she's fallen madly in lust at the grand old age of 70.  She said after a fallow 10 years of zilch on the man-front, she met a bloke last October and they've been at it like rabbits.......DAILY!!!! lol.......
And then my lovely Susie, who is not as Autumnal as me in age.....I've known her since she was 17.......met the man of her dreams last July and is ensconced and majorly in love with him........(and him her........Yes, we're ALL in reciprocal relationships)
And there's the FB friend, whom I've yet to meet although we have made various plans when she's in London visiting her grandchildren but I've usually had to cancel......Well SHE has met someone and fallen hook, line and sinker.
OOh and there's another one but I'm totally sworn to secrecy over it...:) SO........all good all round. Be happy, be forgiving, expect the best and the best will appear.

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Ladybird popping........what is it?

I filmed this rather large ladybird on our pond yesterday..........

When I'd downloaded the footage I found that it did a large 'POP' when it threw out its back leg-wing type thing. 

Any insect people out there know what it was actually doing and why? 
If you know please leave a message on my Youtube page.

Here's the Youtube vid, plse click here to view:

Ladybird popping

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Wednesday 28 May 2014

Monday 26 May 2014

Flamingos dancing and flying

My new filmette. Had only a small window to film the flamingos and wanted to catch one in flight.
My vid camera doesn't have a viewfinder so it makes it extra tricky. Very proud of the fact that I managed to track one.

Shot in the South of France...........

Please click here:       Flamingos flying      

Thursday 15 May 2014

Have a gander at this.......

Spot the odd bird out........:)

The upside down world of squirrelicious

We wondered how the bird feeders were emptying so fast. Kept changing the position so the squirrel and the fat wood pigeon couldn't land on them. 
Yes we do sprinkle nuts etc on the ground for them........We love all creatures......

The other morning we caught the squirrel doing Hollywood gymnastics to reach the seeds.  Cheeky bugger.

Please click here for squirrel video Squirrelicious

Have a wonderful weekend everybody in this fabulous weather.

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Sunday 11 May 2014

No questions asked.......

Quiz night t'other night down in the wilds of somewhere with the AMP's lovely and extremely clever sister.
I was totes brilliant in that I got everything right that I said I would! 
In other words I said I wouldn't know any answers and I bloody didn't, (well hardly any) so I got that right.  LOL

The quizmaster threw in some random questions in between quiz rounds... there was a fully mixed crowd of age groups and professions. The person who shouted the answer first would get a present of some sort chucked at them. Jelly Beans came up and I felt I needed to win summat.
He said "In the acting/showbiz world who was the alias for Bernard Schwartz?" .........
I leapt out of my seat thrusting hand in air shouting "I know this one", "I know it". and then blow me I couldn't remember his name. Nobody else in the room knew who it was. And then finally the Alzheimers-roots subsided, memory returned and I shouted out "Tony Curtis"
And then I embarrassed myself somewhat by saying "I met him, I met him you know". Like some sad old demented groupie....hahaaaaaaa But you ARE said my beloved when he read this......b'stard

Of course I did meet him but the Tony Curtis that I had adored thru his films and acting, especially 'Some like it Hot' was nothing like the Tony Curtis introduced to me by my friend Richard Brown (former husband of ZsaZsa Gabor's sister, Eva). He was a miserable old chauvinistic fart sitting in an armchair in Richard's flat shouting and moaning about everything and everybody. Very bitter. Looked nothing like the handsome fella he'd been.
Shame.....That's what alcohol and drugs do to you.....kills your looks, your talent and your joi de vivre.
Don't no-one tell me any different........

And yes I know I'm boring.......hahaaaa  xxxxxxx

Tony Curtis in his gorge days......

The Jelly Beans I

Still Very Happy.........

Underneath the Handkerchief Tree in Richmond Park.

Davidia involucrata

Handkerchief tree

It's also known as the Dove Tree....How very appropriate. >smile<

Friday 18 April 2014

Eggselling in lightness -updated -Gaultier

To the Barbican. Jean Paul Gaultier.

Happy weekend all.

I don't do religion so it's all the same to me.....My god is your god is our god....even the god that doesn't exist in the consciousness of non believers. 
IMHO the fact that they say they don't believe in god means they are acknowledging his/hers/its existence. 
Yay......I have spoke.
Where's my Easter Egg? 

That'll do nicely.........except it's just a painting I did on my wall and then ellipsed it on iPhoto.

The AMP, who doesn't do religion either, says he's bought me an Easter Egg but he won't give it to me as he doesn't want to encourage me to EAT it......:)
I say (after the obvious ef-u) I don't need encouraging....Hand it over I'm 'aving it large..:)

Update later Friday

The Gaultier was marvellous, wonderful. Such a fabulous collection. The man is a genius. The stories on the walls are well worth a read too. He was inspired by his grannie's corsets in childhood. 

As you enter the gallery there is a room full of manikins wearing fabulous Gaultier Haute Couture. Suddenly you realise that these models are blinking. Then they move their eyes then start talking or singing. It is unbelievably spooky and fun and completely up my rue.

Check out these manikins moving faces.........hillafeckinglarious



That is not a human...that is a man-made-fibred model................................amazeballs. I'd love one of my own

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Monday 14 April 2014

Brilliant Weekend......Orpheus then Ramsay's

Saturday night
Totes wonderful: Orpheus at Battersea Arts Centre.

If you want to see fabulous entertainment at affordable prices, not stupid West End rip-offs, you MUST go see this absolutely wonderful show. ORPHEUS.

click link here for more details :ORPHEUS at Battersea Arts Centre

Full of surprises and lovely to see a cast of non-glam talented in their musical abilities, their singing, beautiful voices, their comic parodies, ironic in the campest way........just truly the best show I've seen in years. (and *I* saw MORMON last week ;) )
It deserves a West-End venue. Not that Battersea Arts Centre isn't the quaintest, loveliest place to go see a show.

A late afternoon walk along the River Thames to Battersea Park, Olde English Garden, then back to the most delicious food at Ramsay's new resto: London House in Battersea Square. Faultless. Great service, friendly staff, every dish delish. Discovered a new Sauvignon Blanc, Isabel I think it was called. Better even than our fave Oyster Bay.
Oh god oh god oh good.
Walked home then played scrabble for the rest of the evening. Cos we is addicted to it. lol

Me and the AMP at Ramsays, early Sunday evening. 

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Wednesday 9 April 2014

The simple life is the best......

Oh what a fun day we had today
Saw a Russian singer at the Jazz Cafe
Then ended up at the ICA
(Dean Street Jazz Pizza Express actually, but let's not split hairs) 

My membership had expired but they let me go for a pee.
And browse around the joint for free.

Then my darling paid to renew my card
And had a nice surprise when it came in at half price.

We walked thru the park eating the absolute most delicious ice cream in a cone I have ever tasted.
I don't care this doesn't scan. It was heaven and I'm going back.
Clotted cream with berries I had and the Amp had exotic chocolate or something similar.
Too delicious for words.
Prior to that we'd hopped on a Routemaster. One of those buses that has entrance at back and front.
Oh the joy.....took us back to childhood stories. Simple times. We sat at the back of the bus. It was so clean and new. Quite lovely.
We planned to walk all the way home from the Strand but things change, as you know and when we reached Victoria Coach Station we decided a bus home was the better option.

Such a lovely simple day.......

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No brainer


Tuesday 1 April 2014

It's getting closer all the time....(As Time Goes by)

I have a serious (possible) life-changing decision to make. It's times like this that I wish my mum was still alive. I would be able to phone her and she'd tell me exactly the right thing to do. Instantly. 

My Mum aged 43

Perhaps the answer will come to me in my sleep.  Perchance to dream........
The reason the answer is not easy is that I'm NOT a vengeful person......
I like that trait in me

Que sera

And now for the segue.......To remind myself that I once had a funny little career in the showbiz malarkey...hahaaaa. And was super proud to work with Judy Dench in the TV sitcom:  As Time Goes By

Unfortunately this video cannot be viewed on iPhone. Only on a pooter it seems. Soz

Quack alert

Got home from a lovely afternoon filming birds and tame squirrels in Battersea Park to three urgent messages from my docs.
I'd been there for minor surgery this morning to remove and cauterise 3 skin tags. Was told the histology report would take 4 weeks to process. 
So imagine my consternation when I played these three urgent messages to call the practice. (I also received three more from withheld numbers) I wondered what they had found so quickly. Skin Cancer of course was the first thing that sprang to mind and I must say that I was already imagining a funeral route......

Turns out that when the doc was cleaning the scalpels he had managed to incise himself with one of them with my blood on it.
Obviously they've checked my notes and I don't have HIV but of course they want to be extremely careful and so have asked me to go back in the morning for a blood test. 

When I told the AMP........I gave it a certain amount of drama, lol.......he said what if he had had a heart attack on account of my account? 
Laugh?............well yes.......

Friendly squirrel Battersea Park today 1st April 2014

Sunday 30 March 2014

The Wild Food Cafe - What a find!

Mothers day my lovely son took me and the AMP to the most wonderful raw food vegetarian restaurant.. called the Wild Food Cafe in Neals Yard, Covent Garden.
Absolutely delicious.

Their mission: Our mission and vision is to share amazing, mouth-watering, uplifting food that makes you go WOW – and pack it with as many nutrients, mineral rich foods, colours, flavours and love as possible.
Food that makes you open your mind, that goes beyond the clichés of vegetarian, vegan or raw.

What a find.

The AMP, (aka boyf/partner/inamorato/'im)  usually the most generous of gentlemen and a true share-master (normalement), filled his face so fast with the Wild Felafel that you'da thought he hadn't eaten for weeks. He proclaimed it so delicious that when I offered a tiny swap of my equally sensational pizza (no bread base involved, the bread part made with almonds and butternut squash (how the heck did they do it?) he backed away and insisted on hogging the whole flipping lot without offering yours truly the tiniest smidgeon.  "Bastard" she cried

The AMP......bless his bamboo socks what I done gave him for Chrissie and pinched back at first opportunity, so lovely and comfy they a vegetarian, who doesn't eat fish either but he's not really a fully fledged stricto vegan because he does eat eggs and dairy. Thank the ef for that otherwise what would I give the geezer for breakkie if I couldn't poach/boil/omelettify eggs for the fella. And sometimes when in real outrageous mood it'll be fried egg and fried bread! Yeehah. Altho that's rare ATM as he's on a trim-down regime and has already lost his third trimester belly-bulge. (And keeps hinting that I should attempt it too. "Bastard" she cried again )

So I ate my spectacular raw pizza (almost died and went to heaven with the touches of coconut cheeze on it, something I hadn't tasted for years)........which my son, the GLB (greatest living being) had recommended along with the shitake burger (Yes I do just like saying that, get over yourselves, lol ).

And the beautiful thing which pleased very much myself and the AMP was that The WILD FOOD CAFE serves Sauvignon Blanc. Woohoo.  Result. Back of the net.

I would like to eat there every day for the rest of my life. 

If it hadn't been Mother's Day and we hadn't gone to meet my son, Marcus Veda, at the new Lululemon store in Covent Garden where his pic (as their Ambassador) is on the wall and this sad old mum HAD to photograph it didn't she,  hahaaa.....he had given a Yoga class in the store that morning but I am too decrepit to attempt his Rocket Yoga......he wouldn't have suggested the Wild Food Cafe and my life would have been slightly less sparkly as of today.

Oh what our children can teach us. 
And guess what? He (the GLB)  suggested I practiced on the Wiifit Yoga, which I did this morning and it told me I hadn't done it for 1200 odd days but had lost 7lbs since yet another RESULT. 

Me boy innit.....Marcus Veda at Lululemon store, Covent Garden    

Here we are my son et moi on Mutha's Day

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Tuesday 25 March 2014

Filming new show with ITV

Yay Oh Yay

I know I say I don't like to be in front of the camera these  days [unless I have total artistic control, see vid at bottom of page] but sometimes one gets asked to do something that is hard to refuse especially as it may coincide with the release of my revamped Starletta Rap....(Under wraps at mo.....working on it with world renowned and respected composer and multi-instrumentalist Mister Graham Preskett ....{oi...less of the mentalist})

They are interested in my hostessing as Maid of the Month for several months on the Golden Shite , sorry, Shot, circa 70's

I was the Holly Wallaby of my day, kind of. 

Here's a clip of moi dans le show being as blonde as a blonde thing. 

Apparently the company has a whole episode of a show I appeared on so I'm preparing myself to be deeply embarrassed by the spectacle of Cherri putting the HAM in GilHAM

Here is a video I made of yours truly yesterday......

Cherri Gilham Tits Everywhere

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Monday 24 March 2014

Lots of tits in Woking.....:)

Woking this morning.  First time in years I've climbed a tree.  Put a nesting box in a bay tree. (I think it's a bay tree. It smelt like one)

Check out the old bird stripping off her kit, (well boyf's jacket actually, in his garden, didn't want to rip mine on the branches, lol) showing where I'd climbed a tree and wedged in the nesting box.

Please click link to view video Nesting box a la Cherri Gilham

The birds are already coming to the feeders. Seen bluetits, chaffinch, robins, wood pigeon and yesterday, excited, saw a wren in the low bush in front of the window. Too quick for me to film, but I shall catch it sometime, hopefully. 
Also saw 3 bumble bees basking in the sun. 
pics later

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Saturday 22 March 2014

A rose between.......

28 years old in this pic.........

Jersey Boys tonight - woop woop

Sherry - Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons

Excited.....going to see Jersey Boys tonight. Can't wait. All those wonderful wonderful songs hitting the nostalgia button. How many times have I been serenaded with  Sherry in my life? ........not of course by Frankie himself, (never met him) but by guyfriends over the years. Nor that sickly Sherry drink......I'm an Oyster Bay girlie these days 

Always a thrill. So tonight I shall be in my element. 
Oh what a night. Lovely times. Especially now. Because of course Mister Wonderful himself , the AMP, is taking me.  Yesterday the darlingboy got into a blind panic because he couldn't find the tickets. But 'phew' ensued when he found them in the drawer my side of his bed.
 Eat your hearts out stalkie-porkers

Friday 21 March 2014

Life is an echo

Probs why I'm so happy n lucky
But not necessarily or always happy go lucky......

And then there's this:

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Tuesday 18 March 2014

Putin's speech- Value of Freedom

I'm liking Putin. He's got balls and he uses them. What's he doing wrong?
His speech is pretty cool.
And hahaa he knocked the west for their own greed and dual standards.

Call me a soothsayer but at the tender age of 17 I decided to learn Russian because I thought it was the way to go in the world.....Time to brush up on it methinks...