Wo-Manflu and the Casualty

NHS not sent out offers for flu jab.
Wasn't going to have it this year.......

Too late
Got it now (flu).......coughing non stop. Bunged up shnozz. swollen glands, slight sore throat, slight headache. Plenty of sneezing (enjoyable).
If somebody tells me it's not the flu, 'just' a cold I might feel like spluttering all over them.
Whatever it is I shall work it like manflu.........ergo...elicit bucket-loads of sympathy and complain a lot how dreadful I feel. (which I don't really cos I don't really believe in being ill.........)

Or I would if I could but...............

Meanwhile I have an invalid staying with me who has broken her wrist and only has the left hand working. Makes things doubly difficult as she's right-handed.

Browski the invalid waiting for her servant to bring the next offering............(great acting on her part)

I am now Mother Superior, Mother Earth, Flo Nightingale and Doctor Wassup. And now Nurse Hirse. She cannot shave her armpits!!......

3 years ago when I had that beastly little tumour in the pancreas (insulinoma) I was looked after a lot by this broken-wrister sister.

So...........it's payback time.........LOL

I am her slave............

Don't photograph me my hair's wet & I have no make- up on.
 OK Dear, heh heh

check out our mad birds filmette here:

 Browski & Me in better (bonkers) times ...lol

And nowski, you lucky cowski, (Ms Browski) you've starred in several filmettes by Cheryl G DeMille....

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