Sunday 30 March 2014

The Wild Food Cafe - What a find!

Mothers day my lovely son took me and the AMP to the most wonderful raw food vegetarian restaurant.. called the Wild Food Cafe in Neals Yard, Covent Garden.
Absolutely delicious.

Their mission: Our mission and vision is to share amazing, mouth-watering, uplifting food that makes you go WOW – and pack it with as many nutrients, mineral rich foods, colours, flavours and love as possible.
Food that makes you open your mind, that goes beyond the clichés of vegetarian, vegan or raw.

What a find.

The AMP, (aka boyf/partner/inamorato/'im)  usually the most generous of gentlemen and a true share-master (normalement), filled his face so fast with the Wild Felafel that you'da thought he hadn't eaten for weeks. He proclaimed it so delicious that when I offered a tiny swap of my equally sensational pizza (no bread base involved, the bread part made with almonds and butternut squash (how the heck did they do it?) he backed away and insisted on hogging the whole flipping lot without offering yours truly the tiniest smidgeon.  "Bastard" she cried

The AMP......bless his bamboo socks what I done gave him for Chrissie and pinched back at first opportunity, so lovely and comfy they a vegetarian, who doesn't eat fish either but he's not really a fully fledged stricto vegan because he does eat eggs and dairy. Thank the ef for that otherwise what would I give the geezer for breakkie if I couldn't poach/boil/omelettify eggs for the fella. And sometimes when in real outrageous mood it'll be fried egg and fried bread! Yeehah. Altho that's rare ATM as he's on a trim-down regime and has already lost his third trimester belly-bulge. (And keeps hinting that I should attempt it too. "Bastard" she cried again )

So I ate my spectacular raw pizza (almost died and went to heaven with the touches of coconut cheeze on it, something I hadn't tasted for years)........which my son, the GLB (greatest living being) had recommended along with the shitake burger (Yes I do just like saying that, get over yourselves, lol ).

And the beautiful thing which pleased very much myself and the AMP was that The WILD FOOD CAFE serves Sauvignon Blanc. Woohoo.  Result. Back of the net.

I would like to eat there every day for the rest of my life. 

If it hadn't been Mother's Day and we hadn't gone to meet my son, Marcus Veda, at the new Lululemon store in Covent Garden where his pic (as their Ambassador) is on the wall and this sad old mum HAD to photograph it didn't she,  hahaaa.....he had given a Yoga class in the store that morning but I am too decrepit to attempt his Rocket Yoga......he wouldn't have suggested the Wild Food Cafe and my life would have been slightly less sparkly as of today.

Oh what our children can teach us. 
And guess what? He (the GLB)  suggested I practiced on the Wiifit Yoga, which I did this morning and it told me I hadn't done it for 1200 odd days but had lost 7lbs since yet another RESULT. 

Me boy innit.....Marcus Veda at Lululemon store, Covent Garden    

Here we are my son et moi on Mutha's Day

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