Sunday 25 August 2013

My dreams explain it all

My dream last night was uncomfortable. 
Not a nightmare........I don't have them.
I lived in an unfinished open house and people, foreigners (indicating ppl I didn't really know) were taking things from it to furnish their own homes across the street. I didn't really mind but then I saw they were abusing my hospitality. They were taking stuff I needed for myself. For instance, there was a big red Le Creuset casserole dish which disappeared. 
So my waking dream (that's a dream where I can control the outcome) was that I would put a wooden fence around my property and not let them steal from me anymore.

An old-fashioned wooden fence not a big steel armoured fence.

The old-fashioned style fence demonstrates my vulnerability and the openness of my being.....yay, the generosity of my spirit, still being prepared to share with them to an extent, although not have the piss taken out of me.

If I had considered erecting a fence like this, a steel enforced security fence:

It would mean that I want to keep everybody out!
But I am an open a degree.

Like I once described my old one-time friend, Benny Hill.......
An open book with the pages stuck together (wry smile)

Yesterday I learnt that ppl blame me for things that are their own responsibility. 3 things were harboured in resentment. 

I also learnt that a deeply regretted action of mine taken under extreme duress and frustration, 43 years ago, and written in honesty in 2 national newspapers 12 years ago, in order to show people that we can all reach the end of our limits/tethers, is being banded about in a fictional way with little element of truth to it nor acknowledgement of it's real intent. Completely fabricated story to put me in an extremely bad light, when the story I was asked to write was in sympathy for actions that people can take under dire emotional circumstances. 
The toxic women voicing these stories are considered intelligent but they lacked the intelligence to read the story truthfully and twisted it thoroughly in their telling of it. (yes:defamation)
Odd to say the least as I honestly do not know what their problem is with me.....(green for jealousy, yellow for envy, ..brown for

I will say this (again): the Universe always looks after me. I never ever put myself in situations that could lead to me feeling cornered. I ALWAYS WALK AWAY.  That's the lesson I learnt 43 years ago!
If I am hurt by a situation I do NOT retaliate. My hurt is sent out to the Universe and it deals with it. 
I do nothing. Nada. 

Never underestimate the power of your soul enacting with the power of the pure Universe
If you tell lies about me, you WILL and you SHALL pay the price. 

And now I'm going to have a wonderful day doing the things I love best with the people who matter the most to me.
YOU have a great day too...........xxxxxxxxx

Hill's Angel Exercise vid done to Benny Hill's Run-off music

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