Saturday 3 August 2013

Every day in every way......

I'm starting the day in a beautiful way. Loving my life and all that it contains. I'm happier now with very little than I was with private planes and jet-setting to the South of France, staying in fancy hotels on the Croisette. Pic below on the beach of the Carlton Cannes with my fiance.

Wanna know a funny? We weren't rich enough to stay in the Carlton, but we used their beach. We always stayed at the cheaper hotel next door, the  Martinez. (pronounced Martinaise: the zed is noisy as in chaise). Ok, not that cheap but fascinatingly full of hookers. We'd sit on the Croisette watching them linger by fancy cars waiting to ply their trade.
We were in Cannes for the Festival and then thru the  summer cos boyf was a prof poker player.....and there were big private games going on with the visiting megarichoes and when the bigtime film producer, Sam Speigal, came sailing across the horizon in his big black yacht.  That was the sign that the money was in town.

 (Yes I always took my tiger with me everywhere...............NOT, lol ......I guess it must have been the photographer's)

Had a 5 carat diamond engagement ring in the 70's. OK it's small fry to the 15 caraters that reality show 'stars' are now flashing. I gave it back because that's the kind of person I am.....foolish some may say......even my lawyer at the time wanted me to hold onto it and get some clause written up. But I didn't want the hassle....particularly as the affianced's best friend was a very nasty piece of work and the affianced's best friend made suggestions of a threatening nature if I didn't return it.
He acquired it for himself as it transpired....funny old story.

So I live to tell the tale. And tell it I shall some day......Menoirs remember? lol

Today I awoke to sunshine and powdery clouds.  Feeling BRAND NEW
Good things that are private are happening and every day in every way it gets a bloody sight better than it was, say, some time in the past. :)

I appreciate how lucky I am and today I'm feeling once again in the vortex (of happiness).

On another issue entirely. How is it possible to lose a mug of coffee? It's not like I'm living in a Vanderpump mansion....... Ahh, found it! Beside my bed! Who put it there?  :)

Anyways....Today's a good-un. Don't be fooled by the odd grey cloud....rain clears the air.

Have a beautiful day too my friends......


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