Thursday 1 August 2013

Blitz Babes, kids, were you there? World War 2

Looking for ordinary people to tell their extraordinary stories of being alive during WW2

Would you like to recount your memories in a documentary I'm making? 

Were you a kid in the blitz?
Or do you know people still alive who can recall their times in London or elsewhere in the UK, during the Second World War (WW2)?
Your parents? Your grandparents? The stories you heard tell by your mums and dads? 

My friend told me a touching story her late mum used to recount, how, in her teens, she'd gone down the air-raid shelter and got chatted up by a bloke inside. It was pitch black. She was so excited, He sounded great. When they all emerged from the shelter she was shocked to discover he was blind.  

Do you have anecdotes like this to recall? If you don't want to be on camera but just be a voiceover that would be cool too. 

It's a sad fact that pretty soon all those people who remember THE WAR first hand will have passed on.
I want to memorialise the stories, the fears, the fun. How they felt when the doodlebugs stopped their frightening rattle, which meant that the bomb was about to drop and they had seconds to reach the air-raid shelter. What it was like to rush down to the shelter?
Children who were evacuated. Mothers who worked in the munitions factories. Boys who got sent to war. The Land girls. Was your mum or your grannie a Land Girl?
Stories please. 

Also it would be interesting to interview someone whose dad might have been in the Luftwaffe. Who maybe launched the Doodlebugs - (V-1 Flying bombs).
Doodlebugs on Wiki

If you're interested in contributing please contact me:
Cheryl G DeMille at SlapDash Films
Please put in the subject line: WW2 info
Many thanks xxxxx

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