Monday 7 October 2013

RIP Richard C.Sarafian............Menoirs

Ohmigod........I found a cardboard tube today at the back of a wardrobe and inside was this rolled up pic of Richard C. Sarafian the director of cult film Vanishing Point.
He'd given it to me in 1970-71
So I thought I'd post it on his Farcebook page. 
When I went to his page I saw that he has just died. :(  
How terribly sad.

When I found him again in 2010 on FB I got in touch and here below is the correspondence between us. 

Richard C. Sarafian

  • Conversation started 28 February 2010
  • Cherri Gilham
    Cherri Gilham
    well well well
    omg Richard, it IS you. aka Big Dick from Detroit. (your name for yourself) (But looking incredibly trim these days).
    I re-found you a few years back & we spoke on the phone but you had no recollection of me:(
    I never forgot you. Charismatic man with a wonderful sense of humour. And your pet line was: "I'm just going to straighten out my axe"
    To remind you.......we had a big affair (well.big to were happily married with 5? children & other men's husbands have never really been my thing) when you were doing post-prod on Vanishing Point in London. You rented a mews house behind Grosvenor Sq. We had loads of laughs and you thought I was fuckin funny..which I am!!! LOL
    What a memory I have! I even remember the rope handrail on the stairs in your mews house.!!
    Anyway dear boy, I sincerely hope that life is good for you and that you are happy. I never did breathe a word about us. Even tho a 300lb man on top of me sometimes did leave me breathless!! hahaaaaa
    My very best wishes to you. Cherri x were the first Armenian I ever met......they're all over the place now;)
  • 27 April 2010
  • Richard C. Sarafian
    Richard C. Sarafian
    Big Dick from Detroit!
    Big Dick from Detroit has fond memories. How's your son? Your life? We hit a few high notes. I hope the years haven't changed you.
    God bless,

And so dear Richard has slipped through the departure gates.
RIP dear man...........He was a gorgeous big teddybear of a man.

I have to say, I never understood what he meant when he said he was going to straighten out his axe. What he did actually say was
"I'm going to straighten out my acts" LOL
He was very very funny............xxxxxx

Oh dear! I've just realised what I said in our PM's. I said other men's husbands!!! instead of other women's husbands........Doh! lol
(I WAS very ill at the time.......:)

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