Thursday 26 September 2013

News on the one-armed bandette (edited)

Well poor cowlette Browski has been having major dramas with her broken wrist scenario. Back and forth to hospital. Tears. (and not just from ME having to do all the skivvying......LOL)
Surgeon wanted to put a metal plate in her wrist but it wouldn't be very good for her qigong.  (she's a qigong teacher).  
She's also a piano teacher so having a broken wrist, that was none of her making, is no help for tapping the ivories. (Someone accidentally slipped and fell into her in Hawaii knocking her headfirst into a rock. She put her arm up to stop herself smashing into her face and the wrist got crushed on impact.......OUCH)

if you click here you can see what qigong is.......
What is Qigong? It's a healing art

Interestingly Browski has not caught my shite flu which is still hanging around albeit in diminished form. Tis annoying the heck out of me being under par. It's a week now since it started. 

I'm awake in the middle of the night (2:00am).........decided I needed to block several ppl on FB........hahaaa..some not even 'friends', but I get the feeling they may be viewing my page and I don't really want them to see all my pics n stuff...and for some odd reason that I can't really couldn't wait till morning!
I am such a weirdo.

Then I spotted that a poor chap on FB had died and I didn't even know and he was such a nice fella. But I don't know what he died of............and that is fairly frustrating. 

Here's Browski in her alter ego of Alice Ai when she had 2 arms in working order.......

Almost Happy............
plse click here
Browski aka Alice Ai performing her song Almost Happy

And let me tell yoooooo.........I'd be more than almost happy if I had a slave like me!!! Hahahahahaaaaaaaa

xxxxxxxxx kisses to y'all xxxxxxxx

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