Monday 30 September 2013

London sights & white creatures

Could be awkward if your co-driver nods off.
Piccadilly Sept30 2013

Roxy the mastiff.............beautiful girl

Dogs and their owners.....yes they do look alike.
Check out Roxy's dad

And she's wearing her dad's T-shirt. lol

How handsome is Nelson?

Nelson atop his column Trafalgar Square

Big blue cock on the plinth Trafalgar Square

And then there was a white horse...........

Oh and did I mention the lovely pelican ?

And the talking pelican..........In St James's Park

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Thursday 26 September 2013

News on the one-armed bandette (edited)

Well poor cowlette Browski has been having major dramas with her broken wrist scenario. Back and forth to hospital. Tears. (and not just from ME having to do all the skivvying......LOL)
Surgeon wanted to put a metal plate in her wrist but it wouldn't be very good for her qigong.  (she's a qigong teacher).  
She's also a piano teacher so having a broken wrist, that was none of her making, is no help for tapping the ivories. (Someone accidentally slipped and fell into her in Hawaii knocking her headfirst into a rock. She put her arm up to stop herself smashing into her face and the wrist got crushed on impact.......OUCH)

if you click here you can see what qigong is.......
What is Qigong? It's a healing art

Interestingly Browski has not caught my shite flu which is still hanging around albeit in diminished form. Tis annoying the heck out of me being under par. It's a week now since it started. 

I'm awake in the middle of the night (2:00am).........decided I needed to block several ppl on FB........hahaaa..some not even 'friends', but I get the feeling they may be viewing my page and I don't really want them to see all my pics n stuff...and for some odd reason that I can't really couldn't wait till morning!
I am such a weirdo.

Then I spotted that a poor chap on FB had died and I didn't even know and he was such a nice fella. But I don't know what he died of............and that is fairly frustrating. 

Here's Browski in her alter ego of Alice Ai when she had 2 arms in working order.......

Almost Happy............
plse click here
Browski aka Alice Ai performing her song Almost Happy

And let me tell yoooooo.........I'd be more than almost happy if I had a slave like me!!! Hahahahahaaaaaaaa

xxxxxxxxx kisses to y'all xxxxxxxx

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Everything is beautiful.........

When I'm out amongst the beauty of flowers and nature I seem to forget that I have a cold, the flu, manflu.
It all goes away.......(the feeling of illness)

Today in Battersea Park.........The big fountains were not on but these small ones with the pretty flowerbeds in the distance and Battersea Power Station playing its prominence......all good.

please click here for vid
Fountains & flowers in Battersea Park Sept 2013

Sketch I wrote for Benny Hill

Great to see it's up on the internet.  The sketch I wrote for Benny Hill about a pretty bride wolfing down all the cakes at her wedding reception and getting fatter and fatter. The groom (Benny)  then scarpering and the guests and bride all chasing Benny.   

Benny referred to it as my Fat Lady sketch.

Here's the postcard he sent to me from Spain in 1976 telling me "Your Fat Lady is going into show 1, & should be out in Jan" 

Please click here to see the sketch from the Benny Hill show
Fat Lady sketch

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Wednesday 18 September 2013

Right place, right time............

Cosmic Ordering

Law of Attraction

All universal forces acting on my thoughtwaves.......contacted by big arse UK tv channel today.

I love this pic.But the awful thing is I can't remember if I took it in Oz or

The wonderful Princess Diana emerging from the hospice at the end of our road. When I lived in my beautiful Falcon Cottage..............

Look at that nosy old camel.  Egypt 1997.......

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Tuesday 17 September 2013

Parbuckling & Telomeres - Today's Buzz-words

My 2 buzzwords for the day are parbuckling & telomeres


Gonna parbuckle myself up and sail majestically off into the big ole open seas. 

Parbuckling keeps us on an even keel.
Parbuckling keeps us real.......etc etcerap

Parbuckling.......can you find the word in this link?

Here's the explanation......
Parbuckling explained by the parbuckaneers

Telomeres: They're the things that cap your cells and wither as you get older and disallow your cells to reproduce.......unless you are into kickarse healthy eating, exercise, meditation and thinking all good clean thoughts!!!  
Unfortunately this could almost possibly mean that I shall live forever...........except ........fill in the

click for link to Telomeres

Tate & Lowry for me today. The weather is fine and I'm out that door.

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Monday 16 September 2013

Saturday 14 September 2013

Never laugh at my Guardian Angel - you might just piss him off

Cherri Gilham (Cheryl G DeMille) with the bluebirds of happiness spinning round her head  

Wearing a dark wig cos she can......(from Pak Wigs, London

Such a shame to doubt the presence of my 
Guardian Angel..........He is always there to help everybody

He is my GAG Guardian Angel Gabriel

This is my Guardian Angel as 'seen' at my side by a psychic artist in Albuquerque in 2003.

Don't laugh at me loving & believing in angels.....we can learn much from our Angels

Love to you ALL xxxxxxxxxxx

My Guardian Angel blog click here plse 
17 Guardian Angels Blog

Friday 13 September 2013

Hello World

I'm kind of liking the fact that people in China and Russia are reading my Secret Diary...........

I learnt Russian at 16 because I thought that Russia would take over the world one day. 

Здравствуйте, друзья мои по всему миру

My Russian teacher had a speech impediment, from a war injury, so it was really hard to learn. And there were 33 letters in the alphabet. All tongue-tying. 

Я говорю на русском, но только мало сейчас

Maybe Putin is pleased with my Twitter comments. 
I know Bill Cosby favourited my Putin tweet.

Sample of my blog stats today:

Have a great Friday 13th my friends. Ciao изящных :)

Thursday 12 September 2013

Exciting news today

Can't say what it is but would love to shout it from the roof tops.

Beats falling down the stairs on a bus 2 days ago and injuring my coccyx. Sodding driver slammed on his brakes after flying past my stop. My companion, I won't say who, laughed his head off because he fell down the stairs too and saw me flat on my back and thought it was funny.  (Yes it's deeply cool to travel by bus in London)
Can't say more cos I may be making a claim .........All those annoying texts I get from firms saying I had an accident might well now be utilised. 

Friday the 13th tomorrow.   Doesn't mean a (bad) thing.........Gonna have a fab day being dynamic and erm......... wotever. 
Bored now showing a filmette to make. 

Life is good..........ish

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Let it be beautiful

Today I will not allow my day to be blighted by woe-begetters.
Get thee behind me Satans........(not that I believe in Satan, nor that I would trust him/her not to stab me in the back, the front and up the nunny most probs).

Last night I had a beautiful dream. I dreamt of being in love.
Yes I was in love. I was about to make loving love with a loving man who loved the f*ck out of me.

He was there protecting me from evil and evil-doers. (Could have been my Guardian Angel Gabriel who promised me protection all my life when I had a visitation from him in my childhood).

The feeling of being in love was just sensational..........quite impossible to describe really.... as you know. A warmth permeating my soul.

Saturday 7 September 2013

Rocket Yoga -explained

My son Marcus Lord Veda runs a rocket Yoga class at Frame Shoreditch 
Click here for explanation of what it is and how you (yogis) can all give it a go...

Rocket Yoga by Marcus Veda

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Happy Birthday Sir Harry Cowell

A big happy birthday wish to one of my fave halves of one of my fave couples. (the not the smirky smug one of the simon variety

The generous and adorable one 
Sir Harry Cowell .....
Tis a thrill and a pleasure to know you and Lou

click here plse:
Happy Birthday on a carousel

Congrats on all your amazing success in Las Vegas....
Producing Raiding the Rock Vault 

click here plse:
Sir Harry's Raiding the Rock Vault

Monday 2 September 2013

Happy Birthday to my son...the GLB

GLB  =  Greatest Living Being

My wonderful son, Marcus Lord Veda (aka Good Lord Fader of The Loose Cannons) proud of you and everything you do....

Marcus, Lord Veda, running an Outdoor Yoga class in Covent Garden.....

Click this link plse:
Yoga with Marcus doing an amazing 1 leg stand from crouching.


One half of the Loose Cannons DJ- outfit

Jules & Marcus 

Click here plse
Charlie bit me (Loose Cannons)

Interview with Lord Fader (Marcus) and Kaiser Saucy (Jules) of The Loose Cannons DJ outfit & band.

Click here plse
Interview with Fader & Saucy (Loose Cannons)

They reduced the size of the band, which was an 8pce at one stage and renamed it Lego Johnson.

LEGO JOHNSON.........The Loose Cannons Band

Lego Johnson Band  Marcus right of pic.

HRH The Queen styles herself on Lego Johnson