Thursday 7 November 2013

Thursday 7th November..lucky for some

Hello Secret Diary I guess it's time I updated you.
As it is my 'secret' input/output it will have to contain a smidgen of inscrutability.

Talking of Japanese... Had a wonderful day with Nippon TV filming me for an upcoming section in their series called "World's Astonishing News".

That's all I'm allowed to say as it is embargoed until release.

But I have my own Astonishing News in that something quite remarkable has happened out of the blue and most unexpected. And this is where the inscrutable remit occurs.

This old silvery bird has been pierced by Cupid's arrow.

(Obviously I've had to blur the lovely fella's features as there are some who stalk my blog who will possibly read all the wrong things into this and may go out of their way to attempt to spoil it for us)

And as it progresses it gets better and we get closer.....

But one must live only in the moment. So no forward plans.
Except to remain happy, optimistic and make sure I have a big belly laugh each day.

Thanks for reading my blog..........

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