Tuesday 30 July 2013

Silence of the trolls

Love the Mary Beard story how she silenced the troll on Twitter.

It was a marvellous piece of publicity too as it flagged up her BBC2 prog yesterday evening on Caligula.
Unfortunately I don't read the news until it's over so I missed the prompt...... I was watching Big Bro. (and how they are all trying to crucify poor Hazel).
Bad scheduling??? lol
It no matter.
Thank clever inventors for the iPlayer. Especially as the Panasonic DVD Recorder I bought 2 years ago has not yet been used. Don't know how to. I bought it in particular to copy from old video cassettes over to DVD. Lots of my old TV appearances so I could make a show-reel.
Good question. hahahaaa

Anyways..I watched Caligula this morning 'on demand'. Of course it was indeed fascinating and I love the way Mary Beard talks to us in a non-snotty way. She's so lovely and down-to-earth. Like you're having a cuppa across the kitchen table. Bless her, she's so self-conscious when she is being filmed walking along. Her arms don't co-ordinate in the ordinary way.  I totes understand that feeling.  I would much rather be behind the camera than in front of it.
If that comes as a surprise to anybody reading this it just goes to show that the way I come across is deeply different to the way I fundamentally am.  

What fascinated me most about the prog outside the box was that Caligula was only in power for 4 years until his assassination but blimey the amount of building works he did was phenomenal.
Gosh. And that's not a word I use lightly.

Speaking of being behind the camera. Must tell you some Benny Hill stories as it was Ben that first suggested to me that I should get BEHIND the camera..........
To be continued....................
Hahaaaa, tease....

Me in a couple of scenes from the Benny Hill Show

Oh God they've started drilling right above my head now.............gotta go.
No I'm not being trepanned. The aliens did that years back.

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