Wednesday 31 July 2013

Let's have a giggle - My Internet sensationalism

Yes I do Google myself from time to time.
Funny how the numbers ramp up and down.

And as Daniel Kitson said last night to his adoring audience at the Battersea Arts Centre "Even you nobodies google yourselves in your little sad worlds, don't deny it" Or words to that effect. Sorry to misquote you Daniel, but that is as well part of your show. Is it not thus? lol
He was brilliant BTW.

But back to me....;) 

At one time I was mentioned 599,000,000 times. That's 599 MILLION times.
Dunno why. A fluke. A glitch in the Googlybox thingy.

But I memorialised it (screenshotting etc) as it was such a phenomenal thing, beating Michael Jackson, Kardashians, Ricky Gervais and Winston flippin Churchill!!

Absolutely ficking crazy my dears.

So I made a vid of the event.
Click here plse

Internet Sensation- Cherri Gilham - Google Queen

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