Thursday 12 September 2013

Exciting news today

Can't say what it is but would love to shout it from the roof tops.

Beats falling down the stairs on a bus 2 days ago and injuring my coccyx. Sodding driver slammed on his brakes after flying past my stop. My companion, I won't say who, laughed his head off because he fell down the stairs too and saw me flat on my back and thought it was funny.  (Yes it's deeply cool to travel by bus in London)
Can't say more cos I may be making a claim .........All those annoying texts I get from firms saying I had an accident might well now be utilised. 

Friday the 13th tomorrow.   Doesn't mean a (bad) thing.........Gonna have a fab day being dynamic and erm......... wotever. 
Bored now showing a filmette to make. 

Life is good..........ish

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