Tuesday 29 March 2016

Horizons of Healing

Totes amazing Universe

No sooner had I posted the piece below about my healings than I received a phone call from the very lovely man whom I had helped with the brain tumour.
He has recommended me to a friend and we shall be doing some wonder work on him too.

He could not possibly have seen my posting because, as far as I am aware, he knows nothing of this 'diary'......
But even if he does.............it was such a speedy response, I would prefer to think that it is Karma at full pelt.

Have to go out and buy a Higgidy Pie to celebrate...:) 

We shall be healing at the Peace Pagoda in Battersea Park sometime soon

Love Bees and Echinacia

The point of the healing process that I offer is to make you feel better. 

Monday 28 March 2016

Horizons of Healing

On 21st March 2016, in the middle of the night, I had an epiphany..........
I decided to spend the rest of my life doing what I know that I can do, and have done for many years in secret..........
I am a Thaumaturge,  a miracle worker, a wonder worker
It is a gift and thus I gift it to others. 

A belly-laugh a day keeps the malady at bay

Case study
A friend of a friend who had a brain tumour

I bumped into him in the street and he was very angry, having just left the Marsden Hospital, where his consultant had told him that his tumour would never stop growing
I said to him why don't you let me do a bit of healing on you? (He told me much later that he was deeply skeptical of 'healing' but he let me do it as there was nothing to lose).

I did my stuff, which is to hover my hands over his head and when the palms of my hands felt the heat coming from inside him, I drew it out of his body with a sweeping away gesture. 

Months later we were at a party and this chap was there.  He greeted me as his 'guru' and proceeded to tell the room how I had healed him.
What had happened was that some time later he had gone back to the hospital and they had been astonished that the tumour had stopped growing!!

This was not ever supposed to happen.

And then on a subsequent visit he was told to the entire amazement of the specialists that the tumour HAD SHRUNK.

Case study
An elderly man in a wheelchair.

A dozen or so years ago I had attended a workshop for spiritual thinking....
There was a man in the front who was in a wheelchair. After the meeting I was next to him and I asked if he would like me to do a  little healing on him.
After I did some hand hovering over his knees, I'm not going to say he leapt out of the chair but what did happen was that he kicked his legs....He told me that he had had no feeling in his legs, nor could he move them, for some time. "I feel marvellous" he said.

Case Study
The goldfish 
All creatures are important. Not just humans. I healed a goldfish. It was lying on the surface of the pond completely dead. I fished it out with my little net and turned it over to see if it had any fungus on it.  No it didn't. I said a little prayer over it as I do for everything that I feel sad about. As I turned it back over, I was sure it moved slightly. I talked to it a little and put the net back into the water.  The fish wriggled with what appeared to be happiness to me and swam off. 

Here's how healing works in my humble opinion:

It is a 2-way street. 
I facilitate but you help yourself.
I feel love for you at the time of my healing. 
I make you happy or make you laugh.

more to follow

If you would like to contact me for some healing please email at:

Sorry, no time for skeptics