Friday 9 October 2015

Our 2nd Anniversary

Dateline London.....9th October 2015

2 years together today. 

Very happy......

Who knew?   lol
Never thought I'd love being in a relationship again.......but I do, I do, I do.........xxxxxxxxxxxx

This is a good man who makes me laugh, is loving and generous, intelligent, a wonderful musician, composer, very very fanciable.....and bloody lucky to be loved by me! lol

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Wednesday 23 September 2015

Wrinklies romancing in the City of Love - new video out

At last.......finally completed the Venice video. 
(part one)
Warning: Contains material that might make some a trifle queasy......f'rinstance: it's about a couple of pensioners having a laugh and romancing in Venice. Canoodling occurs.  
And for George Clooney fans a nice surprise at the end. :)
please click this link......
Wrinklies Romancing in the City of Love

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Tuesday 14 July 2015

All good in the hood.......


                                          At Penelope's party in Chelsea. 11th July 2015........

Thankies for visiting my page..............:) 

Saturday 9 May 2015

So beautiful - the Isabella Plantation, Richmond Park

Early May at the Isabella Plantation, Richmond Park, is my favourite time to visit
When the rhodes, magnolias and azaleas are blooming.

Except perhaps an equal favourite time to visit is in October when the rut is in full swing. The noise of the roaring stags and the theatre created by their territorial skirmishes is awesome


In the old days when I had my wonderful dog Kayli we would have fun in the Isabella. Now she's gone but this stump is still there. More overgrown, but each time I visit it I shed a tear for my soulmate doggie.

Now the fun is had with my blokey
and a selfie stick

(me tripping over a rabbit hole)


A rainy day in May last year. 

This May.......

And last year, the 2-headed deer, lol
(view from near King Henry V111 mound. City in the back ground)
I haven't doctored this pic, it just turned out like that. 

Another view of the city from Richmond Park. Stag with the Shard on its head. (nope, not doctored)

More October rut pics.  

Jackdaws on hinds

And more of the beauty that is the Isabella in May....

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Thrilled to be in the Huffington Post. Interview by Darcey Garland.....
She's done me xxxx

Please clink link here
Huffington Post-Darcey Garland

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Saturday 11 April 2015

Goya-until death- and Ligging at the wedding exhib

Hello peeps. Long time I know........
Went to the Courtauld yesterday to see the Goya etchings.
Always love going to art exhibs with my great artist friend Amanda Ward.......She has me in fits of giggles and always teaches me loads about the art.
 I hadn't even realised that Goya DID etchings...doh!
It was his 'Old Women' series.
Quite appropriate for us as we are gaining momentum in the tonnage dept.

Here's a Goya drawing/etching.....(I have trouble differentiating between the two)

It's called The sleep of reason produces monsters....

And this one is called Until Death

It's about a withered old woman looking in a mirror kidding herself that she still looks good.
(no comment, lol)

After the Exhib we walked past a wedding exhibition in another part of Somerset House.
Through the door we could see beautiful arrangements of flowers, which Amanda was keen to photograph, but we couldn't go in as we didn't have invites.
So we went to another door, by Tom's Kitchen,  and managed to bunk in......heehee

We do like to live a little dangerously. Gets the old adrenaline going.

We were pissing ourselves laughing because we were trying to avoid the main door where they might have thrown us out. My girlfriend, by her own admission, said she looked like my gardener...(I think she had come straight from her allotment...:) ....But she said I looked the part of a Californian buyer of expensive wedding accoutrements.
So if anybody asked......that was the story.
I would also have availed them that Amanda is a descendant of Richard 3rd.
Direct descendant of George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Clarence, 1st Earl of Salisbury, 1st Earl of WarwickKG (21 October 1449 – 18 February 1478)
(In fact an old press friend had phoned her recently asking if she would be attending the re-burial of his turdness.......after exhuming him from a car-park.  Richard 3rd and his other bro had him's all terribly complicated, you'll have to read up on it, as my head hurts trying to understand the Wikipedia blurb of those flipping complicated murderous royals. Suffice to say her direct ancestor was, according to myth handed down to Amanda, asked how he would like to be executed and he said his preference was to be drowned in a butt of Malmsey wine. 

Meanwhile we had the most delish canapes...... was wonderful.........

Apparently there are several thousand orchids in this display..........Was it 3 thou or 40 thou? Unfortunately I can't remember.......I was so busy trying to look invisible, in case we got 'removed' that I didn't take proper notes.

The exhibition is open to Jo Public today, so you can go along and check for yourselves......and you don't have to guiltily bunk in, like what we did.

Amanda says it's good that I feel/felt guilty as it shows I'm not a psychopath........LOL

Here's a link to Amanda Wards art at the Saatchi.......Do go along and click 'like'.......She feels a little bereft of clicks.......