Thursday 26 June 2014

Have fun.......

We do....

We three...........Cherri Gilham & Cheryl G DeMille
with the GP, the AMP (Absent-Minded Professor)

ooooh what now?

Aliens in the kitchen

Kids.........This is how old people behave in the privacy of their own funchambers

And for those that are in the slightest bit's how we make our fun.......(well some of it ;) ... lol) 
Click here my darlings for a spot of pointless

Tuesday 24 June 2014

So much terrific stuff going on

But no time to chronicle it..............

Everything is coming up large fabulous rosies.........

Focus on the GOOD......then good things happen........

And forgive everybody............Tis the secret

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Monday 9 June 2014

Baby Robin sent to cheer me

Whilst we were clearing and thinning out one of our big ponds today, of duckweed and marsh marigolds,  a sweet little baby robin came to visit. I thought firstly that it was a baby bunting......and thought, yes, cry baby bunting. But when I checked online could see that it's a baby robin...

Sunday 8 June 2014

Great night last night, June 7th

Elkie Brooks at the Cadogan Halls, 7th June 2014.....What a fantastic voice.
Here's a taster of her

Plse click here:
Elkie Brooks at the Cadogan Halls 7th June 2014

Saturday 7 June 2014

8 months tomorrow 9th June 2014

He's the best thing that's happened to me since the birth of my son!

Eight months tomorrow since we got it together........and we get happier and happier..............

It's so wonderful to fall in love in the October of our lives.....and it's not just me having all the luck. My girlfriend in Oz phoned me this week and said she's fallen madly in lust at the grand old age of 70.  She said after a fallow 10 years of zilch on the man-front, she met a bloke last October and they've been at it like rabbits.......DAILY!!!! lol.......
And then my lovely Susie, who is not as Autumnal as me in age.....I've known her since she was 17.......met the man of her dreams last July and is ensconced and majorly in love with him........(and him her........Yes, we're ALL in reciprocal relationships)
And there's the FB friend, whom I've yet to meet although we have made various plans when she's in London visiting her grandchildren but I've usually had to cancel......Well SHE has met someone and fallen hook, line and sinker.
OOh and there's another one but I'm totally sworn to secrecy over it...:) SO........all good all round. Be happy, be forgiving, expect the best and the best will appear.

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Ladybird popping........what is it?

I filmed this rather large ladybird on our pond yesterday..........

When I'd downloaded the footage I found that it did a large 'POP' when it threw out its back leg-wing type thing. 

Any insect people out there know what it was actually doing and why? 
If you know please leave a message on my Youtube page.

Here's the Youtube vid, plse click here to view:

Ladybird popping

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