Wednesday 28 May 2014

Monday 26 May 2014

Flamingos dancing and flying

My new filmette. Had only a small window to film the flamingos and wanted to catch one in flight.
My vid camera doesn't have a viewfinder so it makes it extra tricky. Very proud of the fact that I managed to track one.

Shot in the South of France...........

Please click here:       Flamingos flying      

Thursday 15 May 2014

Have a gander at this.......

Spot the odd bird out........:)

The upside down world of squirrelicious

We wondered how the bird feeders were emptying so fast. Kept changing the position so the squirrel and the fat wood pigeon couldn't land on them. 
Yes we do sprinkle nuts etc on the ground for them........We love all creatures......

The other morning we caught the squirrel doing Hollywood gymnastics to reach the seeds.  Cheeky bugger.

Please click here for squirrel video Squirrelicious

Have a wonderful weekend everybody in this fabulous weather.

Thank you for viewing my blog vlog

Sunday 11 May 2014

No questions asked.......

Quiz night t'other night down in the wilds of somewhere with the AMP's lovely and extremely clever sister.
I was totes brilliant in that I got everything right that I said I would! 
In other words I said I wouldn't know any answers and I bloody didn't, (well hardly any) so I got that right.  LOL

The quizmaster threw in some random questions in between quiz rounds... there was a fully mixed crowd of age groups and professions. The person who shouted the answer first would get a present of some sort chucked at them. Jelly Beans came up and I felt I needed to win summat.
He said "In the acting/showbiz world who was the alias for Bernard Schwartz?" .........
I leapt out of my seat thrusting hand in air shouting "I know this one", "I know it". and then blow me I couldn't remember his name. Nobody else in the room knew who it was. And then finally the Alzheimers-roots subsided, memory returned and I shouted out "Tony Curtis"
And then I embarrassed myself somewhat by saying "I met him, I met him you know". Like some sad old demented groupie....hahaaaaaaa But you ARE said my beloved when he read this......b'stard

Of course I did meet him but the Tony Curtis that I had adored thru his films and acting, especially 'Some like it Hot' was nothing like the Tony Curtis introduced to me by my friend Richard Brown (former husband of ZsaZsa Gabor's sister, Eva). He was a miserable old chauvinistic fart sitting in an armchair in Richard's flat shouting and moaning about everything and everybody. Very bitter. Looked nothing like the handsome fella he'd been.
Shame.....That's what alcohol and drugs do to you.....kills your looks, your talent and your joi de vivre.
Don't no-one tell me any different........

And yes I know I'm boring.......hahaaaa  xxxxxxx

Tony Curtis in his gorge days......

The Jelly Beans I

Still Very Happy.........

Underneath the Handkerchief Tree in Richmond Park.

Davidia involucrata

Handkerchief tree

It's also known as the Dove Tree....How very appropriate. >smile<