Monday 30 July 2012

The Gloriana carrying the Olympic torch down the Thames July 27th 2012

absent friends............toast?

Many years ago someone said to me "In life you grow out of your friends"

I realise now how wise that man was and how true his sentiment

It was actually Benny Hill who said it to me.

Here's one for you Jexercise (joke exercise) vid done to the tune of Yakety Sax, Benny's run off music.

Cherri's Jexercise Vid to Benny Hill's Yakety Sax run off Mooosic

Thursday 12 April 2012

Trailer for latest er, well, trailer. 
Attack of the Staroms by Cheryl G DeMille

Click link here please to see video

this is a photo of a starom pupae type thingy - not the video